2020. 2. 12. 06:37ㆍ카테고리 없음
Contents. This is a pragmatic approach to learning how to create Debian packages. Is not that hard. Read first the. If the information below doesn't answer your questions, please look in the and in The Debian package management chapter of the contains lots of useful information for handling all kinds of problems one runs into with apt and dpkg.
If you want to create an official Debian package, make sure it's not already packaged. If, you should contact them if you intend to make an official package together. For a slightly more modern way of managing all of this, check out.
How To Install Deb Package On Ubuntu
TODO: write this page around git-buildpackage, instead of quilt, for a less baroque and more familiar experience. Initial compilation Before starting there are some risks you should be aware of: WARNINGS:.
All these operations are preferably done in a chroot environment for safety/security reasons. And are such environments. Please consult the pbuilder or sbuild documentation. running make on a system can be a security risk!
It is recommended to check beforehand that the Makefile does not contain any funny stuff. Obscure/specially crafted applications might fall into this case. do NOT run make install, unless you are absolutely sure is safe to do that (check the install target of the makefile). This is a security risk and you may risk to break and/or compromise your system. Steps:. Try to compile the package, but do not install it.
How To Install Deb Package On Linux
Given a pacman package (.pkg.tar.xz), is there a tool to convert it to a deb or rpm package? In other words, I'm looking for an equivalent to. So far, I got the impression that such a tool does not exist. Edit: Some background about.pkg.tar.xz pacman packages (source: ): An Arch package is no more than a tar archive, or 'tarball', compressed using xz, which contains the following files generated by makepkg: The binary files to install.PKGINFO: contains all the metadata needed by pacman to deal with packages, dependencies, etc.MTREE: contains hashes and timestamps of the files, which are included in the local database so that pacman can verify the integrity of the package.INSTALL: an optional file used to execute commands after the install/upgrade/remove stage. (This file is present only if specified in the PKGBUILD.).Changelog: an optional file kept by the package maintainer documenting the changes of the package. (It is not present in all packages.).